"With good grace"

"With good grace"
      With this image i don’t have any big dramatic story to tell. Just a smile story. I try to narrate that story of smile.  It quite difficult to translate that blossom smile in to a mere alphabet. It is a feel we could only recognize that. Muthasi belong to Tamil region whose lived in our place Kerala for a long time. Naturally she had that innocence of rural area. When i asked her to take a picture she just smiled and the other interesting factor she gives me a namaskaram back to me and finished no more other botheration. She doesn’t have anything to tell us except that with goo grace smile. She doesn’t practice communication , she doesn’t practice smiling with community, she doesn’t keep profile , she doesn’t regret, she doesn’t talk to recognize her, she doesn’t need specific place for her she is part of all not apart from this universe. Just living organism. Only create that awesome smile. I wish can i smile like her when i saw that smile i realize that the world is not free from smile it still here and will be there for everyone who recognizes that.

                She had that surprise factor towards the world and has respect to that surprise too. She doesn’t have any distractions to smile she enjoyed her own journey. She doesn’t have tangled in a web of distractions which make our present in terrible situation. Nowadays we have planet of distractions muthasi’s smile is a symbol of untangled characters or individual. We have smiled too but this seems obvious, many of us lost the quality of life which hampers the “smile with a good grace”.

                Smile is a symbol of quality of life but how to standardize the quality of life is it measurable is it tangible no not at all. This kind of smile is an indicator of quality of life we are unable to carry out.

Keep smiling, “smile with good grace”
   Thank you


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